Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Cowboy


Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Cowboy
Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Cowboy with (left and right) and without scarf ring (middle).

Hermes 90cm silk scarf Cowboy knot, also known as Cow Boy on Hermes knotting card, is the extension of Hermes Cowboy Fluid knot with additional few more steps. You need at least a 90cm scarf to make this knot. Images below illustrate Cowboy knot made using 90cm and 140cm scarves.

Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Cowboy
Cowboy knot made using 90cm and 140cm scarves. Photos courtesy of Hermes.

It is optional whether you want to use a scarf ring or not. If you do not have one, simply use one of your favorite rings as a scarf ring! I was using unbranded O and 8-shape scarf rings in this tutorial.

Scarf Ring
I was using O (left) and 8-shape (right) scarf ring in this tutorial.

So which style is your favorite? Hermes 90cm or 140cm scarf? The one with or without a scarf ring? Alright, try all of them ?.

Style #1 (Double Knot):

  1. Fold Hermes square scarf half diagonally.
  2. Wrap the scarf in an inverted triangle around your neck, with the ends drape naturally at both sides.
  3. Make a double knot using both ends.
  4. Adjust the folds in the centre and the knot.
Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Cowboy
Step 1: Fold Hermes square scarf half diagonally.


Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Cowboy
Step 2: Wrap the scarf in an inverted triangle around your neck, with the ends drape naturally at both sides.


Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Cowboy
Step 3 and 4: Make a double knot using both ends. Adjust the folds in the centre and the knot.


Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Cowboy
The side view.

Style #2 (With Scarf Ring):

  1. Fold Hermes square scarf half diagonally.
  2. Wrap the scarf in an inverted triangle around your neck, with the ends drape naturally at both sides.
  3. Slide through both scarf ends through the scarf ring.
  4. Adjust the folds in the centre.
Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Cowboy
Step 3: Slide through both scarf ends through the scarf ring.

Alternatively, you can also learn through my YouTube video tutorial:

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