Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Double Knot Square


Hermes scarf in Double Knot Square is another impossible-to-fail knot. This tutorial was taken from Hermes scarf knotting card Carre Double Noeud, means double knot square in English. If you are interested to know how to pronounce Carre Double Noeud in French, play the audio recording below.

Hermes Double Knot Square works well for Hermes 45, 55, 70 and 90cm scarves. I personally prefer scarves with little or no solid colour along the edges as shown below so the result looks more colourful.

Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Double Knot Square
Double Knot Square using Hermes 45, 55, 70 and 90cm silk scarves. Photos courtesy of Hermes.

Now, let’s proceed to the four-steps-knot-making tutorial. I was using green arrow to represent one side (side A) and blue arrow to represent another side (side B) of the scarf. Please note that the way you make the knot decides how the end result will look like, some just don’t turn out well.

  1. First, make a Base Fold and cross side A at the front.
  2. Loop over side A.
  3. Cross side B at the front.
  4. Loop side B, tighten and adjust the knot to its perfect look.
Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Double Knot Square - Step 01
Step 1: Make a base fold and cross side A at the front.


Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Double Knot Square - Step 02
Step 2: Loop over side A.


Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Double Knot Square - Step 03
Step 3: Cross side B at the front.


Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Double Knot Square - Step 04
Step 4: Loop side B, tighten and adjust the knot to its perfect look.


You can make the knot closes to your neck or at your chest level, depending on your personal preference or comfort level. And if you are making the knot closes to your neck, you may shift the knot to one side to get another look, see end of the video tutorial.

Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Double Knot Square
You can make the knot closes to your neck or at your chest level.

I hope you enjoy this tutorial despite it is just a simple knot, and I will be seeing you soon in my next scarf-making tutorial.

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