Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Large Bow Tie


Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Large Bow Tie
Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Large Bow Tie

Hermes Large Bow Tie, also named as Grand Noeud Papillon on Hermes knotting card, needs combining two 90cm silk scarves with a double knot to create a gigantic butterfly knot. This scarf knot also works well for Hermes 45, 55, 70cm scarves. Play the audio recording below if you want to know how to pronounce Grand Noeud Papillon in French. 

Large Bow Tie is more suitable for taller ladies. As the name suggests, the bow is big. It just looks hilarious on someone who is only 160cm tall. And I can not imagine myself how to dine with such a big bow on my chest. However, it may suit some ladies very well and I am happy if this tutorial is useful for you. 

As I mentioned in my Little Butterfly (Petit Papillon) scarf tutorial, it takes a little bit of practice to make this knot look gorgeous but it is all worth it to learn how to tie an “upright” butterfly knot. You can apply the same skill if you want to make the knot with a scarf around your waist, on your bag, on your daughter’s ponytail or dress!

The tying method for Large Bow Tie is exactly the same as Little Butterfly knot and thus I will be using the images and video recording that I have made for that scarf tutorial here, plus additional a few more which are specially created for this Large Bow Tie. In the picture demonstration, the green arrow represents one side (side A) and pink arrow represents another side (side B) of the scarf. So, without further ado, let’s start. 


  1. Make a Base Fold on two pieces of Hermes square scarves of similar colour tone or shade.
  2. Combine them with a double knot.
  3. Cross side B over side A.
  4. Pull lower segment of side A through the loop created earlier.
  5. Tighten the loop by pulling side B, but not too tight.
  6. Fold side B and pass the fold through the loop.
  7. Adjust and tighten the knot.
Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Large Bow Tie
Step 1 and 2: Make a Base Fold on two pieces of Hermes square scarves and combine them with a double knot.


Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Little Butterfly
Step 3: Cross side B over side A.


Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Little Butterfly
Step 4: Pull lower segment of side A through the loop created earlier.


Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Little Butterfly
Step 5: Tighten the loop by pulling side B, but not too tight.


Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Little Butterfly
Step 6: Fold side B and pass the fold through the loop.


Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Little Butterfly
Step 7: Adjust and tighten the knot.

Watch the YouTube video tutorial here.

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