Scarf Tutorial #3: Hermes Silk Scarf with Bulgari Key Chain


Scarf Tutorial 3 Hermes Silk Scarf with Bulgari Key Chain (Little Butterfly)
Hermes Silk Scarf with Bulgari Key Chain (Little Butterfly)

In this scarf tutorial #3, we are learning to create Little Butterfly knot using Hermes silk scarf with Bulgari Key Chain. It is the variant version of the “official edition” of Petit Papillon knot on Hermes knotting card. Petit papillon means little butterfly in French.

Play this audio for Petit Papillon’s pronunciation.

Making Little Butterfly knot without a scarf ring needs a little bit of practice and at least a 90cm scarf. However, with the help of a scarf ring, you can use a smaller scarf like the 70cm scarf. In any case if you do not have a scarf ring, you can use a rubber band of similar colour to your scarf, or a rubber band in metallic that can stand out beautifully like a scarf ring does. It does not necessarily have to be something expensive 🙂

In the picture demonstration, the green arrow represents one side (side A) and pink arrow represents another side (side B) of the scarf. Steps:

  1. Make a Base Fold.
  2. Make a fold using side A and pass the folded end through the scarf ring.
  3. Pass the entire side B through the scarf ring.
  4. Pass the bottom half of side B  through the scarf ring.
  5. Adjust the knot.
Scarf Tutorial 3 Hermes Silk Scarf with Bulgari Key Chain (Little Butterfly)
Step 2: Make a fold using side A and pass the folded end through the scarf ring.


Scarf Tutorial 3 Hermes Silk Scarf with Bulgari Key Chain (Little Butterfly)
Step 3: Pass the entire side B through the scarf ring.


Scarf Tutorial 3 Hermes Silk Scarf with Bulgari Key Chain (Little Butterfly)
Step 4: Pass the bottom half of side B  through the scarf ring.


Scarf Tutorial 3 Hermes Silk Scarf with Bulgari Key Chain (Little Butterfly)
Step 5: Adjust the knot.

For those who loves to learn through video tutorial, here you go.

Visit my scarf tutorial Hermes 90cm Silk Scarf Little Butterfly if you are keen to learn how to make this knot without the use of a scarf ring. Do leave your comments below if you have tried both methods and would like to share your tips or preference with other readers here.

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